Who We Are

“Conti Saldature di Conti Fabio e Simone S.n.c” is a Company with forty years of experience, specialised in prefabrication and welding of steels for components for pressure apparatus.

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The Origins

Mr Conti Sperandio, founder of our Company, was a pioneer in the field of welding and developed important international experiences in this sector before starting his own business.  

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La società ha da sempre basato la sua filosofia di lavoro sulla qualità delle lavorazioni ottenendo la certificazione Lloyd’s Register per Fusion Welded Pressure vessel Class 2.1, Uni EN ISO 2001:2008 per la Gestione del Sistema Qualità e la certificazione U Stamp for Pressure vessel in accordo al codice ASME.

On request, we can provide support and management for testing with third parties, issuing Welding Books and Documentation Dossiers.

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