CONTI SALDATURE DI CONTI FABIO E CONTI SIMONE SNC is located in Via Fantoni 13, a parallel of Francesca highway in Verdello (Bergamo is chief town). The nearest highway exits are those of the A4 Milan-Venice in correspondence Capriate San Gervasio, Dalmine, Bergamo and Seriate



Fabio Conti
General Manager
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+39 035.4829538
Simone Conti
Welding Specialist & QC Inspector
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+39 035.4829538
Mirko Terzi
Quality & Sales Technical mgr.
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+39 035.4821190
Stefania Pelliccioni
Accounting Dept.
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+39 035.4829538

Via Fantoni 13/A
Bergamo 24049
+39 035.4829538
+39 035.4821190

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