“Conti Saldature di Conti Fabio e Simone S.n.c” is a Company with forty years of experience, specialised in prefabrication and welding of steels for components for pressure apparatus.
Read more ...Mr Conti Sperandio, founder of our Company, was a pioneer in the field of welding and developed important international experiences in this sector before starting his own business.
Read more ...Diligence and priorities of Conti Saldature are the health and safety of our staff, customer satisfaction and environmental protection; the whole organization is prone towards achieving these goals in an open and transparent way
La società ha da sempre basato la sua filosofia di lavoro sulla qualità delle lavorazioni ottenendo la certificazione Lloyd’s Register per Fusion Welded Pressure vessel Class 2.1, Uni EN ISO 2001:2008 per la Gestione del Sistema Qualità e la certificazione U Stamp for Pressure vessel in accordo al codice ASME.
The most commonly worked thickness ranges from 3 mm to over 40 mm and, using our equipment (overhead travelling crane, roller positioners and rotary tables) we can handle up to 20 T.